CubeServ is among the top 50% of companies evaluated by EcoVadis and was awarded the Bronze Medal.
EcoVadis offers the world’s most reliable sustainability rating for companies.
ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance -environmental, social and corporate governance. ESG factors are an inseparable part of any corporate activity. They are not strictly separable elements; the individual aspects are closely interwoven.
Every company has a direct impact on the environment and society. This means that companies are accountable not only to investors and stakeholders but also to customers, employees and non-governmental organizations. Companies that are committed to environmental, social and corporate governance issues operate with a promising future.
Together with our partner, Finance Diagnostics GmbH, we advise clients in the ESG environment. This includes a discussion of the latest study that Finance Diagnostics conducted together with the University of St. Gallen on well-known Swiss companies. Subsequently, we also position your company on the study contents in ESG reporting.
Or let us directly perform an industry benchmark of your ESG rating. This will reveal your optimization potential, which you can then use in a targeted manner. The individual benchmark for ESG reporting includes rating selection, peer group, analysis focus – we tailor your benchmark individually to you. In addition, we work with you to develop internal workshops on selected ESG topics.
Please contact us for further information.
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