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Adrian Bourcevet
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It is with SAP Crystal Reports that SAP offers a flexible and powerful tool for the production of formatted reports or report portfolios. Pixel accuracy is ensured for all tables, graphs, and text elements that can be positioned precisely in the report. SAP Crystal Reports offers extensive data processing features within the report.
In addition to the extensive formatting and selection possibilities, successful SAP BW integration is a further strength of SAP Crystal Reports. Even complex meta data such as SAP BW hierarchies are thus easy to process and integrate.
A further major advantage of SAP Crystal Reports is the perfection with which various different data sources may be included into the report. Consequently, reports can simultaneously process and visualize SAP and non-SAP data.
The performance portfolio is completed thanks to the close interplay with SAP BusinessObjects enterprise components, e.g. Publishing. Reports can be time- or event-geared or full report portfolios can be processed automatically. Within the scope of the introduction of the SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.0 platform, SAP’s Crystal Reports for Enterprise also offers the possibility to produce formatted reports. In particular the integration of a new semantic shift (universes) allowing for access to a platform-transcending harmonized database must be listed here.
Within the scope of the implementation of formatted reports or report portfolios, detailed planning and the definition of the logics to be set up as well as the desired visualization need to be ensured.
As early as during the design phase, CubeServ shares with its customers in-depth special knowledge based on several years of project experience with SAP Crystal Reports.
The CubeServ team of consultants will support you with regard to the development of SAP Crystal Reports reports – from their design to their productive realization. Our consultants have extensive expert knowledge and will be able to suggest to you possible solutions as well as best practices from several implementation projects: