When consulting colleagues go back to university… they often have a presentation on exciting topics from the field in their luggage!

So did our team leader René Lechtenböhmer (Alumni of the faculty) and Jan Wiesemann (Predictive Analytics Consultant). Several times a year, the WIAI.community e.V. (network of alumni and active members of the Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Science at the University of Bamberg) organizes the successful format of the WIAI.PraxisReport.
In July, we were guests with our innovation topic:
“Machine Learning in practice using the example of Predictive Maintenance”.
Artificial intelligence is a hype in which the concrete application – especially in small and medium-sized enterprises – often falls by the wayside. Using predictive maintenance as an example, we showed innovative ways to optimize production processes through predictive analytics.
Despite the exam period and high temperatures, we were pleased with the large number of students and lecturers who showed up and their interest in the topic. Afterwards, in the relaxed atmosphere of the courtyard café, we were able to make initial contacts with the students over cool drinks and provide information about career opportunities at CubeServ.

We are looking forward to another exchange – either at the next visit in Bamberg or at our Nuremberg location!
More info about the alumni network WIAI can be found here.