CubeServ Blog
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We celebrate 20 years of CubeServ!

Founded on April 1st, 2001, CubeServ has become a well-known and established player in the BI and Analytics market. We would like to take this special number as an opportunity to look back on the successful years with great gratitude. Our success story has been made possible by:
Our consultant experts and employees, who contribute their know-how and ideas every day with great commitment.
Our managers, who competently promote and challenge us.
Our exchange with each other, which leads us to awakened solutions.
Our partners who support us in our great goals.
And especially to our customers, who place their trust in us every day and spur us on to top performance.
Many thanks for the great support that has accompanied us on our way permanently, sustainably and successfully.
20 Jahre CubeServ
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