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Over the course of the past few years, Enterprise Data Warehouse systems (EDW) have become one of the most important components of modern decision support systems. Their main benefit consists in bringing together data from different sources – not available in appropriate form in the operational systems, for instance because of missing historical data – in one central location and preparing them for analysis, or bringing together data from diverse sources that may have totally different formats. Added to this is a landscape that is increasing significantly in complexity and acting as the source of structured data (e.g. ERP systems), unstructured data (social networks) and even Big Data (e.g. sensor data from numerous events).
Thanks to the use of an EDW system, the typical risks inherent in heterogeneous data warehousing that most companies are faced with, i.e. losing track, increasing data redundancy and long decision-making paths, can be avoided effectively.
All relevant partial data from the most important data sources along your company’s entire value chain are brought together simultaneously in a way that facilitates rapid and purposeful decision-making at all company levels. Various types of information, for instance on suppliers, products, production, stock levels, partners, customers, staff and sales, are all combined in the data warehouse system to provide a holistic view.
Concept and implementation
Thanks to our many years of experience with EDW projects, we are able to provide you with support throughout all phases of an EDW installation life cycle. In collaboration with you, CubeServ will plan and design all the necessary steps – from a first initial rough concept to implementation to operational support and quality assurance. Our first choice is the SAP Business Warehouse based on the modern in-memory SAP HANA database in combination with SAP BusinessObjects as frontend services.
User administration
SAP Business Warehouse offers you a comprehensive authorization concept for data access. The concept is based on analysis authorizations that facilitate accurate as well as flexible control to protect your corporate data from unauthorized access. However, such a change in concept is not trivial and should be planned with care to ensure that it will conform to the company’s own data protection policy as well as legal regulations.
Authorization administration must also be easy to manage. Particularly in the case of system extensions or software modifications, a fast and simple method of adjusting the authorizations is essential. To ensure this, we recommend a modular authorization structure. Existing information (e.g. your HR data) can also be utilized in connection with the assigning of authorizations.
Support and advice
Do you already have a data warehouse system in use and require support or advice for your further data warehousing strategy or for a planned system upgrade? No problem! We will review your system, provide operational support, carry out maintenance work, and can help you develop a migration plan for your data warehousing platform.
Performance check
The performance of a data warehouse installation is always critical. Together with you, we will therefore carry out a performance check of your platform, based on our best-practice criteria, and recommend optimization measures.